Arts and Museums

Okay so I’m going to be honest. I’m not really a fan of museums or going to art galleries. It’s not my thing and frankly I just think they are very boring. Don’t get me wrong I will go to these places but it’s not something I see myself choosing to go to those places and having a great time. But I will say the Museum of Science is my favorite museum. In middle school, we would take these trips to that museum and spend the night there. As a kid, that was the best part about being in the middle school, sleeping at the museum. I have very fond memories at the Museum of Science and it’s very nostalgic to me. I would definitely check that it especially if you traveling with kids, they would love it.

My friend Maya is very into looking at old paintings made a long long time ago. When she looks at a painting, she will interpret it many different ways and explains what she thinks it means in just a few seconds but I would literally look at for 30 minutes and still will have no idea what it means. She recommends for anyone who likes to look at paintings and analyze it in every possible way to go to the Museum of Fine of Arts. They have a ton of paintings for you to do all that but I will pass.

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